Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Selling Skills :-

What is Selling ??

Selling is an art for a Fashion Consultant and it's a journey for a customer - HOW??

There are 5 broad selling Mantras :-

Welcome & Approach

•The Staff must welcome , greet, and smile
•Make eye contact.
•Make sure that customer is acknowledged with a smile by all within 30 secs.
•Maintain your positive attitude


•Always approach the customer from the side – not head on / from back
•Start your approach at the point where you and your customer can see each other.
•Respect the customer’s comfort zone or personal space.
•Give him enough time to browse and feel comfortable.
•When a customer is looking at a product in his/her hands for more than 15 seconds.
•When a customer returns to the product that he/she was looking at after leaving the spot

1 comment:

  1. great idea sir!!! :-)
    We will implement these points so that business can improve...
    let's hope for the best :-)
