Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Phrases to use while Approaching
Show confidence:
You must build the confidence by opening a sentence : “I am sure it will look good on you”
Personalize your greeting:
e.g: It’s been a while since you visited us.
Let me show you our latest collection
Welcome back, Mr. Kapoor.(Only when sure of customer name)
Respect your product:
Use both the hands to carry the outfit. Make sure you handle it carefully.
Keep the customer’s interest alive while fishing out the product. Talk about:
Texture: Let me show you this pair of jeans, I believe it will match very well with this delicate satin top
Colour: This bright mustard top will go very well with the forest green denim capris.
Fabric: Our designers have designed this linen/silk knitwear , this blend is not easy to manufacture technically and you will find it rarely.

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